Febuary 14th . Today is the day of the year that every couple have to act all romentic, give each other gifts in pink wrappings or stuff each other out with fattening chocolate.
I think most men might dread this day. It is not the pink, it is not the chocolate. It is the act of trying to create the romentic mood. Men are not naturally romantic. We are built muscle bound. Our blood pumps testosterone and adrenalin. We live for warfare and we have the instinct to kill, maim and use whatever means to protect our self and our family. We are machines, driven by lust for blood and dominance.
How could we, for just one day, abandon our harsh rigid manner and go all soft and mellow? How could our coarse hard hands, so used to sharp jagged objects, stained with grease and grime, take up cute cuddly teddy bears and tie a frilly bow? How could our minds, trained and taught in the tactics of warfare, of killing, of destruction, turn our thoughts to planning a romantic dinner for two with candle lights? It is all so unnatural. We are not meant for this.
The sad part is that, our women expects us to do it all. To sweep them off their feet, and show them that we truly love them, in one day, with the teddy bears, roses, hearts, frilly bows, soft tender words, all that. What if we can't? Will it not seem fake? Manufactured? Cheesy?
Bottom line is, i hate to live up to other to people's expectations. I'd rather if i am able to surpise them. To do something unrequired, unasked, unexpected. I think that is a much sincere act of love.
I think most men might dread this day. It is not the pink, it is not the chocolate. It is the act of trying to create the romentic mood. Men are not naturally romantic. We are built muscle bound. Our blood pumps testosterone and adrenalin. We live for warfare and we have the instinct to kill, maim and use whatever means to protect our self and our family. We are machines, driven by lust for blood and dominance.
How could we, for just one day, abandon our harsh rigid manner and go all soft and mellow? How could our coarse hard hands, so used to sharp jagged objects, stained with grease and grime, take up cute cuddly teddy bears and tie a frilly bow? How could our minds, trained and taught in the tactics of warfare, of killing, of destruction, turn our thoughts to planning a romantic dinner for two with candle lights? It is all so unnatural. We are not meant for this.
The sad part is that, our women expects us to do it all. To sweep them off their feet, and show them that we truly love them, in one day, with the teddy bears, roses, hearts, frilly bows, soft tender words, all that. What if we can't? Will it not seem fake? Manufactured? Cheesy?
Bottom line is, i hate to live up to other to people's expectations. I'd rather if i am able to surpise them. To do something unrequired, unasked, unexpected. I think that is a much sincere act of love.
Erm... I think a girl would expect her guy to be romantic at all times.. not just in one day.. it doesnt have to be big.. a line of 'I love you' note slipped inside her purse.. a phone call just to say hi.. a sweet red rose on a regular cinema outing.. anything...
The last paragraph sounds so sweet.. But.. What do you consider as unrequired, unasked and unexpected act of love?
unrequired, unasked and unexpected act of love But Taqi!
Most guys don't have a clue when a gal do something unrequired,unasked and unexpected. I had given it up altogether.
.. a line of 'I love you' note slipped inside her purse.. a phone call just to say hi.. a sweet red rose on a regular cinema outing.. anything...i think that describes 'unrequired, unasked and unexpected' perfectly.
hmm... dila, i wonder what is your definition of 'unrequired, unasked and unexpected'.
That is my friend, what we call, the power of love
I saw a movie where Sean Connery says this line
"The way to a girl heart is giving her something unexpected at an unexpected time"
It is almost like what u said. So to me.. its kinda like: helping me without I'm asking, giving something I really like that truly shows that is what I am since it shows that he heard me all this while,
In another words.. give me the world and sky and therefore it is just impossible.
aaaa i remember that line. it's from Finding Forrester.
yeahh.. it is from that movie..
Like that movie.
So even if i get a dusty old book. But if that book it is what I had been searching for, I would love the guy really3x
hearing which you paint mar us talk about.
there's no such thing as hari romentik sedunia..how can u set ur romantic booster for a specific day in a year? such as vday..u expect ur bf/gf to b romentik that day..that's bullshit..
be romentic when you feel like it. hmm.. but sometimes all that pinkness of v-day seems to creep a warm romentic feeling in you.
really? erm.. hehe.. so tell me Taqi, have u ever DO/GIVE something on valentine day?
I mentioned to a friend once (not sure whether that person remembers or not) that I used to think Malaysian are so not romantic ppl. Mana nak cari org panggil "Sayang" or give a peck of kiss on the cheek dulu2?
But as time passes by, I can see more and more act of love being displayed in real life, even when they are not permitted to! (Sorry, unmarried couples, jgn terasa). Maybe we are going towards the soft side of us, since now our overseas students has graduate and brings in the Barat way of showing love. (I keep on believing overseas students are more romantic) *sigh* Cari bf budak oversea la mcmni thee hee hee
Anyway, a simple act of holding hands mcm my bro and sister in law buat, everyday (not on special occassion only) is lovely enough to show love. Takyah nak tunggu2 V-Day
hmm.. i've never gave anything ON valentines.. but once i did give something to someone a day before valentines.. hehe..
it was a day after valentines... ;)
it was? hmm.. what was?
wooooo..when is that dude? to whom?
Anonymous said...
"it was a day after valentines... ;)"
i know who..sure taqi gave sumthing to cik anonymous nih..lalala~
hmm i can't recall ever giving anything to anybody after valentines...
here we go again... (tho my comment might be 4 days late)
the v-day discussion crap, why bother?
for me.. at least i got one more reason to show some love ;)
huh? it was before eh? thot u told me it was after valentines.. waahaaa.. sorry people.. salah info..
yeha..like jumy said..doesnt matter abt vday as long as there's someone who'll always b by ur side n someone to love..i guess..haha..(tetibe rs cm terbuat statement poyo) =P
To do something unrequired, unasked, unexpectedMaybe macam rushing up to meet someone at the airport even for like 5 minutes before departure?That's really lovely *wink*
I should've forgo the shower huh? :D
why should it be like 5 mins before departure? it sounds sweet but.. if a guy really wants to meet me before i go someplace else.. he should've came early.. kalo last minute ni macam.. die tanak pegi sebenarnye..
one more thing.. dont be late on her birthday yeah? itu sangat susah untuk dimaafkan.. huhu
hmmm a valid point...
kalo last minute ni macam.. die tanak pegi sebenarnye.. Hmm i prefer to take that statement as a biased view. Secara neutralnya, lewat sampai could be either tanak pegi, or nak pegi walaupon dpt jumpa 5min aje.
Tapi for me, points awarded for En Taqi for his Effort + Thoughts + Surprise elements will tally to "A Great Friend".5 min ajer pun xpe hehe
aler, a great friend should've sent you to the airport himself. :(
oh rasanya i should add something on my last post.. of course if he's late with a valid reason.. like.. keje abih kul 5.30pm.. tu pun die dah kuar awal dalam kul 5.. tak kisah dah bos nak marah ke ape.. kalut terus drive gi airport.. ngan hujan.. jammed.. pastu sampai 5mins late.. yeah.. then.. i would be really flattered... :x
hmm.. i wanna share a story.. real sweet one.. theres a girl who went abroad.. of course the bf antar la kan.. then sampai kat the place she's gonna be staying.. theres a box sampai addressed to her (on the day she arrived).. bukak jer.. a bouquet of red roses!! the bf ordered thru net.. that is one unrequired, unasked and unexpected act of love huhu
i know one sweet story too. there's a guy, a university student. he was late for an exam because he was rushing to go to the test from a trip. a girl that likes him knows that he's late. so what she did was, she called the police and says that there's a bomb in the exam hall. that call caused quite a stir and hence the exam was delayed enough for the guy to arrive on time.
sweet isn't it?
but of course, that is not a true story. it was a scene from the movie 'road trip'. things like that don't happen in real life. Girls don't go all the way to do those unrequired, unasked and unexpected act of love. It was always the guy's responsibility. hehe
hello taqi!
umm i don't think men nowadays is like in your description...
"We live for warfare and we have the instinct to kill, maim and use whatever means to protect our self and our family. We are machines, driven by lust for blood and dominance."
"How could we, for just one day, abandon our harsh rigid manner and go all soft and mellow? How could our coarse hard hands, so used to sharp jagged objects, stained with grease and grime, take up cute cuddly teddy bears and tie a frilly bow? How could our minds, trained and taught in the tactics of warfare, of killing, of destruction, turn our thoughts to planning a romantic dinner for two with candle lights? "
guess you gave the guys an extra "macho" description. certainly dont agree with that. heheh.
i got a dammmmmnnnnnnn guuuuuuuuuuud...gift for teh Vday....its broke off with my 12 yrs bf...
TQ God!!! im not kill myself.. sometimes..... i wonder...Y??
but its destiny of mine....
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