Sunday, April 17, 2005


I had dream just now, when I was power napping.

I dreamt that my family held a solat jemaah in our old kampung home in kepala batas. It seemed to be a typical solat until when the imam called for the jemaah to move up in the ranks and fill the front ranks.

I found myself standing behind my aunties and female cousins. Where my uncles and male cousins share the same ranks as the aunties.

I woke up in dread.

It was the dread for loss of familiar things. The dread for change.



Anonymous said...

ahaks...terbawak2 citer imam wanita nih kot

Dils said...

betul tuh.. i think you mesti br baca about that imam pompuan tu.
Maybe its not just signify changes, but changes to something more darker heh?

Eric said...

hanya kerana nak setanding lelaki suma benda wanita nak buat, tapi tak sedar yg dia buat tu keje bodoh! what a fool...

Eric said...
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